张松涛 山人一村 民子(潘冰新) 黄添喜 贾学国 汪钟鸣 苏士澍 黄立成 樊敬谦 张明虎 刘明 张新录 郭新富 杨克东 杨洪迪 邓志贤 赵旦云 解同国 何国富 葛天孝 黎永烈 李海生 毋笃胜 萧逸 茹进存 周文斌 王洪亮 周伟平 陈启智 许得清 鞠初远 王群合 王玉喜 马英庆 杨海卿 郑传彪 齐志义 孟凡俭 陈顺安 吴文恭 陈庆祯 吴建中 钟秉成 顾淮东 姜国亮 张荣臣 李振兴 赵君元 曹银虎 张光信 王柏林 张富荣 李海鸣 周黎明 聂亿林 杨槐 许锦宏 徐如钢 刘燚 姚孝文 汪新来 孙海德 张守群 王洪德 张嗣让 曹学刚 张会有 魏锦华 石俊海 周海 乔振国 郭世昌 林对光 何春海 赵树军 孙国亭 刘吉旺 王竹廷 陈廷怀 刘喜富 郭致麟 刘文清 范武刚 李永峰 茹丙午 齐国栋 乔胜军 苏茂智 李述安
刘丽芳 曹增奎 王桂臻 肖甲文 张淑平 李冀湘 纪兰云 颉群章 李海泉 民子(潘冰新) 张祺晟 闫成壮 宝力格 姚永革 梁小友 张庆刚 吴成友 张旗晟 王猛 刘利剑 罗连筠 赵无极 闫友会 杨晓弟 潘丽君 张会燕 李玉龙 王秀臣 那庆江 孙正馨 裴龙 汪桂芬 何玉英 陈桂芝 陶天翊 周怀峰 徐汝青 张宝洋 李雁飞 贾广宗 魏宏声 杨和平 侯望发 张亮 魏鸿 李坛计 康忠显 宋兆钦 李社安 王顺泰 楼开敏 刘乃成 孟繁楫 郑宗用 徐小明 崔伟丽 刘桓麟 王洪武 祝伟民 彭甫召 张连合 李涛 郑建鹏 杨志强 李丕民 岑光荣 郑小平 许文高 徐光荣 王国山 李澎彬 陈烈 田英华 李存玉 宗明志 肖泽宁 胡媛媛 邵玉虎 張渔樵 张渔樵 关腾飞 邓集文 陶文元 文建海 武吉廷 徐佩铭 肖福昌 刘会群 孟繁楫 张云海 董勇刚 徐枝贵 张凤亮 陈亮 杜勇 李书民 金朔瑫 齐国栋 谢从荣 姜晓琦
王春红 张维源 潘冰新(民子) 王强 李西涛 王惠勤 方双燕 姚福兴 翁文龙 陈德水

墨缘斋文化官网 / 2020-05-30


Personal Resume

YangKedong, male, han, Pen name: Honghao, Honghu, Birthplace: Wuqiao county, Hebei Province. Yang was borned in 1969, he now lives in Yakeshi city, Hulunbeir. Yang graduated from Grains school in Hulunbeir, then worked in fodder company in Yakeshi city, Inner Mongolia province. In 1992, Yang pursed bachelor’s degree of computer science major in Grains Economic School in city Nanjing, then had been engaged in computer programming, computerization of financial functions, and the power distribution, etc. Yang set up a color printing shop named Wanneng in Yakeshi city, and he has been Wanneng shop’s owner since 1999.











National level 1 registered calligrapher

The international price of his calligraphy and painting: 12,000 RMB/10.7 square feet

Member of China sketching association

Director of arts and culture evaluation committee of Beijing Moyuanzhai academy of painting and calligraphy

Art director of Beijing Moyuanzhai academy of painting and calligraphy

Vice President of the Hulunbeir Guomei academy of painting and calligraphy

Director of Inner Mongolia Yakeshi Calligraphy Association

Vice President of Inner Mongolia Yakeshi hard brush calligraphy association

Manager of Inner Mongolia Yakeshi Pinmoxuan company


Yang learned calligraphy and painting from his grandfather from his childhood, he was imperceptibly influenced by what his constantly sees and hears. Since childhood, he fell in love with calligraphy and painting. In the 1990s, Yang learned calligraphy and painting from Mr. ShenHonggen in Shanghai, meanwhile he also studied seal cutting. Yang won the second prize in Yakeshi Baoxian calligraphy competition in 1992, and same year he won the first prize in Yakeshi Grain system hard brush calligraphy competition, and his works were included in Hulunbeir and Yakeshi painting and calligraphy exhibition multiple times. Yang has published his works in newspapers, books and periodicals, and he got recognition and praise from many experts and calligraphy lovers.

醉心书法,投身公益。连续二十余年参与及组织现场书写并送春联活动,积极《永远跟党走 文化下基层》知名书画家下基础活动,参与救助贫困儿童书画义卖活动。得到了社会极高的认可。

Yang devoted himself in calligraphy and public welfare. He has participated and organized fundamental activity during the period of Spring Festival and gave out couplets with many famous calligraphers and painters. He also participated charity sale to help disadvantaged children, therefore Yang has high reputation in the society.


Yang also engaged in research of calligraphy and painting craft innovation. He published With Ink Wool Drying Method and Needle Straight Book Paint Pen in periodical. The method of his work could be used for direction of painting on glass. Yang also invented ink absorption which directly solved a huge problem in calligraphy, and he also solved the trouble of rinsing brush. Yang not only likes calligraphy, but also likes to solve the problems in calligraphy.


He first came to Liu Gongquan, followed Ouyangxun, copied Lanting Preface, learned Zhao Mengfu, idolized Sunguoting and Huai Su, comprehended the writing of Minangong and Huangtingjian. Specialize in running script and cursive script, study Sanxitang’s calligraphy. Happy in painting and calligraphy, lead the way, lead the heritage, and promote the national essence.